(269) 469-2933


Library Board Policies





The New Buffalo Township Library encourages people of all ages to visit the library. Those using the Library and its resources have the right to expect a safe, comfortable environment that supports appropriate library services. The New Buffalo Township Library seeks to foster a welcoming and orderly environment that is conducive to reading, acquiring information, and study. 

Voice levels will vary in certain areas of the Library.  Patrons working closely together (example:  internet computers, worktables) are expected to respect each other and maintain a quieter voice level.  Respect for other patron’s privacy while using the Library is also expected.

People entering the library are expected to respect the rights of other patrons to use the library. No person shall harass or annoy others by being noisy or boisterous, by playing audio equipment so that others can hear it, or by behaving in a manner that reasonably can be expected to disturb other people.  Patrons may not harass other patrons on a political or legal preference.   Patrons will be asked to leave the building if they do not respect the personal boundaries of other patrons. 

People demonstrating disruptive behavior will be required to leave the library after one warning from library staff.  Disruptive behaviors include:

  • Loud or boisterous conduct
  • Inappropriate language or harassment of others
  • Allowing cell phones to ring aloud and having loud conversations on cell phones
  • Rollerblading, skating or bike riding on library property
  • Actions that deliberately annoy others or prevent the legitimate use of the library and its resources
  • Sexual harassment
  • Inappropriate dress/clothing: Patrons must wear shoes, shirt, and pants/dress at all times while in the library.  Attire must not be obscene or offensive.  Staff will have authority to address clothing issues with patrons and ask them to leave if they do not comply with the library policy  
  • Disregard of guidelines and procedures contained in this policy



People demonstrating aggressive, abusive behaviors will be asked without warning to leave the library.  Local law enforcement may be asked to intervene if needed.   These behaviors may be cause for loss of library privileges.  These behaviors include:

  • Assaulting another person
  • Abusive language and behavior toward staff 
  • Damaging library property both inside and outside of the library
  • Theft of library property or another patron’s personal property
  • Possession of weapons
  • Smoking or being intoxicated
  • Sexual Misconduct
  • Visible signs of intoxication


Patrons committing any of the above violations or other acts deemed inappropriate by Staff will be handled in one of the following ways:

Minor violations will result in a warning and if not heeded the patron will be asked to leave.

 Major violations will result in losing library privileges for at least 6 months and the local police will be informed.  Violation forms, signed by the Director will be completed and if the patron is a minor the form will be mailed to the parents or guardians.  Violation forms will be kept on file for up to 2 years.  The person may appeal the violation in writing within 6 months of the date of the offense.

Personal appliances, such as computers, audio devices, and calculators, may be used if the noise level is low and use does not interfere with others. Cell phones and pagers should be turned on vibrate or silent and should be answered in an area that does not bother other patrons. Patrons are expected to take care of their personal belongings while using the Library.  The Library will not be responsible for personal items left in the library. 

Patrons should not leave personal belongings unattended while at the library.  Patrons may not sleep in the library.  Eating in the library is prohibited, unless given permission in specified areas.  There is absolutely no eating at computer stations.  Those who violate this policy will have their computer shut down by staff. Non-alcoholic beverages are permitted with a top or lid on the container. 

Patrons must complete their work and expect to leave the library building at closing. No checkouts will be taken beyond closing time.  Computers will shut down prior to closing and staff will make announcements to let patrons know the library is closing or closed.   

Library staff may not offer rides to patrons or wait with patrons for rides to come.  Patrons must provide their own transportation to and from the library.  Patrons should be respectful of library staff and the library’s hours of operation.






Children's Safety Policy

We welcome children to the library and hope that children who use the Library will perceive it as a fun place to be!  Children under eleven (11) may never be left unattended on library property. 

The New Buffalo Township Library staff members are available to assist children with Library materials or services. The Library is not equipped, and it is not the Library's role to provide long or short-term childcare.

Our top priority is the provision of a safe environment for all children.  However, the responsibility for the safety and well-being of children is the responsibility of parents or guardians.

This parental responsibility extends to their children's use of Library computers with access to the Internet. Programming offered for children at the library is not intended to take the place of care by a parent or other caregiver. The Library respects the privacy of parents and children who use the library; however, Library staff will take appropriate action if a child visiting a library appears to be "at risk":

  • Children eight (8) and under left unattended. “Unattended” means that the parent or caregiver is not in close proximity to the child. The caregiver must be actively supervising the child.
  • Children of any age who become disruptive or appear to be frightened when left alone or in the care of other children at a library.
  • Children who appear to be subjected to physical or emotional abuse while using library facilities.
  • Children who appear to be subjected to uninvited interactions.
  • Any child left without transportation at closing.

If one of the above situations occurs, staff shall follow established procedures, which may include an attempt to contact the parent or guardian of an unattended child, or notification of law enforcement, as appropriate.

For the safety and comfort of children, a responsible adult or adult caregiver over the age of twelve should accompany a child while using the Library and assist the child when using Library resources. While in the Library, parents and caregivers are responsible for monitoring and regulating the behavior of their children. Please be mindful of the following: noise level, running, pulling items off the shelves, tantrums, bathroom needs, and social interaction with other children.

Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers* responsibilities:

  • Persons under 18 years old are defined as `children' for the purposes of this Policy.
  • Parents or legal guardians, whether present in the library or not, are responsible for their children's behavior at all times.
  • Parents or legal guardians are responsible for any damage to library property caused, in whole or in part, by their children, regardless of the children's age.
  • Children eight years or younger must be accompanied by a parent, a guardian, or a Caregiver*, at all times.
  • Parents, guardians or Caregivers* are responsible for maintaining control over their child’s behavior in the library, at all times.
  • Parents, guardians, or Caregivers accompanying children eight years or younger must stay within a reasonable distance and be actively involved with the child at all times. 
  • Children ages 9-10 must have a caregiver in the library building at all times.
  • *(If a parent designates a `Caregiver' to accompany a child eight years or younger to the library in the parent's absence, the Caregiver must be at least 12 years of age and must demonstrate maturity and competence to care for and control the children left in their care, while in the library.) The caregiver must be actively supervising the child and not engaged in other activities. 

*** Age 12 is based on the minimum age requirement for attending Red Cross Babysitter Training.

***The library staff retains the right to search all personal bags or backpacks.
***Patron library privileges may be limited at the discretion of the Library Director.


Materials Used in Library

Patrons must get prior approval before bringing craft supplies from home.  Any paint, chemicals, hammers or any media deemed inappropriate or disruptive by the staff is prohibited. 



Elevator Etiquette 

Our elevator is provided for patron accessibility and for convenience.  Patrons are expected to respect both other patrons and library equipment.  Any vandalism or misuse of the elevator will result in losing elevator privileges.  Children under 8 years old may use the elevator when accompanied by an adult. 


Security Cameras

Security cameras are used where needed to provide peace of mind to library users and staff by discouraging violations of the Library’s Rules of Conduct, to assist library staff in preventing the occurrence of any violations, and when necessary, to provide law enforcement assistance in prosecuting criminal activity. 

Cameras are located at various places, both inside and outside the library. 


Meeting Rooms:

In the spirit of enriching our community the library makes its Pokagon Room available for use to the library service area’s non-profit organizations, civic groups, clubs, and community gatherings during library hours.

Please note that we do not accept reservations for party type functions.  We do not publicize private events or organizations the library is not sponsoring.  The Pokagon Room is not available on Wednesdays.




The basic purpose of the New Buffalo Township Public Library Circulation Policy is fourfold:

1.  To make materials widely available.

2.  To provide maximum use of the materials collection.

3.  To facilitate requests for materials.

4.  To provide for the retrieval of overdue materials.


The majority of library funding comes from levying property tax.  Residents of New Buffalo City, New Buffalo Township, and Chikaming Township financially support our local library and as a result are entitled to a free library card. 


Library Cards


1)   Where do you live? 

A.   If you live in the City of New Buffalo, New Buffalo Township, or Chikaming Township-- You will need an ID and proof of address. 


A free library card is issued to a resident user upon the completion of an application card and the establishment of residency with written documentation of the user’s current address.  The individual making the request must provide adequate proof of ownership of a residence or boat slip.  Acceptable forms of identification include a Michigan Driver’s license, Michigan Registration card, or Social Security Card together with proof of residence.  The card is valid for 1 year and may be renewed for additional 1-year periods.


Renter or Lessee

A free library card will be issued to a renter or lessee who provides a driver’s license plus a utility bill proving permanent residency.  Short term renters or lessees must purchase a non-resident library card for library borrowing privileges. 


 B.     If you live in another city in Berrien County -- You must first get your library card from your home library.   Also, your home library must have a reciprocal borrowing agreement with us.  


Reciprocal Borrowing Agreements
The New Buffalo Township Library has reciprocal agreements with the following libraries:

 St. Joseph/Maude Preston Public Library
Bridgman Public Library
Galien Township Public Library


Items borrowed from New Buffalo Township Library must be returned to New Buffalo Township Library.   Services, such as Mel Cat, must be transacted at cardholder’s home library.   Individuals applying for reciprocal borrowing privileges must comply with New Buffalo Township Library’s policies and procedures, the terms of the reciprocal borrowing agreement, and must provide a photo id and proof of current address.  Borrowing privileges are valid for 1 year and may be renewed for additional 1-year periods. 


Versa Card (Apollo Shared Catalog)

Patrons whose home libraries share our Versa Catalog system may use their library card from their home library, listed below, to borrow library materials.  All services, such as Mel and OverDrive must be obtained at their home library. 

Three Oaks Township Public Library, Three Oaks, MI (6 miles)

Buchanan District Library, Buchanan, MI (19 miles)

Berrien Springs Community Library, Berrien Springs, MI (23 miles)

Eau Claire District Library, MI (26 miles)

Watervliet District Library, Watervliet, MI (36 miles)

Marcellus Township Wood Memorial Library, Marcellus, MI (50 miles)


C.   If you live outside of Berrien County, or in a municipality that does not have an agreement with us:   You can purchase a non-resident card.

Non-Resident Card
Non-Resident cards may be purchased by persons who do not live, own residential property, or own a boat slip in New Buffalo City or Township, by persons who are not served by a library that has a reciprocal borrowing agreement or contract with New Buffalo Township Library, or by persons from another state or country.  A non-resident card is good for one year, for a cost of $50.  Individuals applying for a non-resident card must comply with New Buffalo Township Library’s policies and procedures and must provide a photo id and proof of current address.


2)  Bring in Identification and Proof of Address such as utility bill or tax bill (and your home library card, for reciprocal).

Library staff will either issue you a card or attach our barcode sticker (for reciprocal borrowing) to the back of your home library card.    


All Library card holders, including reciprocal borrowing card holders, are responsible for all loss of or damage to materials signed out on their library cards.

Children 5 years and older are encouraged to sign up for their own library card.

A parent or guardian must sign the registration card for a minor younger than age 18, accepting responsibility for the minor’s use of the library and any loss or damage to library materials, although the minor may sign the actual library card.

All outstanding fines and obligations to the library must be paid before a library card may be renewed.



Loan Periods



  1. Three (3) weeks for most books.  Books may be renewed two times.  However, if there are reserves on file for a particular book, Staff shall inform patrons of the reserves and ask that the book be returned as soon as possible instead of renewing it.
  2. One (1) week and two (2) weeks for books designated limited loan.  These are books that are in high demand and are called “7 day books” and “14 day books.”  Renewals will not be allowed for “7 day books” and “14 day books.”
  3. One (1) week for seasonal holiday books.  When not in season, a holiday book may be converted to a three (3) week checkout.  Staff will determine this.
  4. Reference materials are for library use only, but the Staff will make up to five (5) free copies per day for patrons from these materials.
  5. Inter-Library (Mel Cat) Loans are due the date indicated by the Lending Library.



  1. Two (2) weeks for all magazines.  Renewals not allowed.
  2. Library selected newest issues of certain magazines shall remain in the Library.


Audio Books

Audiobooks shall be checked out the same as regular books.  The rules stated in Books.


DVDs may be checked out for 1 week (7days).  Three (3) DVDs per family may be checked out at a time.  Family DVD’s located in Youth Services can be checked out for 3 weeks. 




Extended Loans

Patrons may be granted extended loan periods for a special need or to cover times when they will be out of town.  The Library will determine which materials it will lend for extended loans.  (For example:  materials in heavy demand may be excluded.)


Limits on Materials

Limits as to the number of materials allowed in any given subject area are determined by the Staff.  As a general rule, three (3) materials on any non-fiction subject is the limit.


Patron Claims Materials Returned

When a patron claims he or she has returned a material, but the Library has no record of its return and the Staff cannot locate the material, the Staff shall explain to the patron that records show that the materials has not been returned.  The Staff will keep looking for it and ask the patron to do the same.  Staff will note on the computer that the material is claimed to be returned so any future contacts will be made with that knowledge.


Lost and Damaged Materials

If a patron has damaged or lost an item, the staff will notify the patron of the repair cost or the replacement cost of the material. Patrons will be responsible for the cost of the lost or damaged item.  DVD’s, compact discs, or Playaways that have been damaged will be replaced, not repaired. All items, including books will be paid for, not replaced by the patron.  There will be no refunds for items that have been paid for. 





Patrons may place reserves either in person, online or over the telephone. Patrons placing materials on reserve will be notified by email or telephone when the materials are available. The materials must be claimed within two days of notification.  Any items not picked up must go to the next person on the reserve list.  Patron’s may be added to the end of the reserve list if they still want the item.  DVDs may not be reserved.





Return of Materials


All items are expected to be returned on or before their due date.  Two book drop boxes are provided for returning books.  During library hours Patrons may use the drop box located in the lobby.  After hours Patrons may use the outside drive up drop box located on the east side of the building.  Please note that the drop boxes are checked by staff 30 minutes prior to closing.  All items deposited in the drop box after this time will not be checked until the next day and will be considered overdue. 



Fines and Fees


Materials Overdue

Director’s discretion in collection of overdue items. 

3 weeks (21 days overdue) send letter of notification.  4 weeks, send out a bill and suspend patron. 




Daily Fine

Max Fine

Books, Audio Books, Magazines






7 Day Books



Holiday Books





20.00/ or replacement




Library Card Replacement







A patron will be put in a “SUSPENDED” status when:

1.  The Library is unable to contact the patron by U.S. Mail, i.e. moved with no forwarding address, undeliverable, etc; or

2.  The patron has not responded to a bill within 1 week for materials that have not been returned; or

3.  The patron has outstanding fines totaling $3.00 or more for one (1) month or longer for returned materials.                                           

4.  The patron has fines totaling ten dollars ($10.00) or more.

5.  The patron owes for lost or damaged materials for one (1) month or longer.


No checkouts will be allowed to a suspended patron.  Patrons must pay the entire amount of fines before privileges are reinstated.  Three (3) or more suspensions shall result in the patron losing his/her library privileges.  The patron will then have to apply to the Library Board for reinstatement of his/her library card. 





A patron will be put in a “WITHDRAWN” status when:

  1. The Library is unable to contact the patron by U.S. Mail, i.e. moved with no forwarding address, undeliverable, etc.; or
  2. The patron has not returned material checked out for one (1) year or longer; or
  3. The patron has unpaid fines for one (1) year or longer; or
  4. The patron is a non-resident with an expired library card.  “WITHDRAWN” status shall be removed upon payment of the yearly fee.




When a patron repeatedly violates library circulation policies, (e.g. not returning in time, damaging or losing books or other circulation materials), they will be placed on probation.  The staff person in charge of Overdue Materials with the Director will make the determination of when to instate probation and when to return the patron to good standing.  During the time of probation the patron may not have more than 3 items checked out on their account. 





Credit Cards:


The New Buffalo Township Library accepts credit and debit cards as a form of payment for fines, fees, or donations by adults aged 18 and older. The Library uses Square for credit card payments.  Payment via credit/debit card can be made at the main circulation desk or by phone.  The types of credit/debit cards accepted are: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. A convenience fee of one dollar will be added to each transaction


The following may be paid for with a credit/debit card:

  • Overdue fines
  • Copies and computer prints
  • Lost and/or damaged material (New Buffalo Township Library items only)
  • Faxes
  • Laminator
  • Non-resident library cards
  • Donations
  • Misc. charges such as events


In the event that the Library is notified of a dispute, the Director and Bookkeeper will investigate the transaction and respond as necessary.

We respect your privacy!  Credit/debit card transaction details collected are encrypted at point of swipe.   The Library will have access to the last four digits of the credit/debit card number used in the transaction only. The Library does not retain payment card data, this information will only be used for transaction retrieval, and your information is kept private and is not used for any other purpose.  

By processing, you agree to accept and assume all risks and responsibilities for the losses and damages that may arise from your use of this payment service and release the New Buffalo Township Library from all liability.





Public Use of Equipment (Except Computers)




Telephones in the Library are for the use of the Library Staff and are not to be used by the general public for personal or business use.  Only in special situations shall the Library Staff give patrons permission to use the phone.  In these situations, Staff shall dial the number for the patron to avoid long-distance charges.




The copy machine is available to any member of the community who wishes to copy materials at the rate of $ .10 per page. This rate is for black and white copies on 8 ½ x 11 or 8 ½ x 14 size paper.  If double sided, the price doubles to $ .20 per page (with print on both sides).  The rates are double for 11 x 17 size paper, or $.20 per page, $.40 per double sided. 

All color copies are at the rate of $ .50 each for 8 ½ x 11 or 8 ½ x 14 size paper, and $1.00 for 11 x 17 size paper.  No discounts allowed on color copies.

Copy machine users are advised that there are restrictions on copyrighted materials which permit, in general, no more than one copy of a page for personal use.  Violations of copyright are the responsibility of the copy machine user.  Copies are free (up to 25 copies) to service agencies and students for school-related printing. 


Free copy service of non-circulation materials is provided as a deterrent against mutilation and theft.  A patron cardholder may make up to five (5) free copies per day (black & white, 8 ½ x 11 size only) from selected library materials, i.e. encyclopedia, periodicals, reference shelf books.  Non-cardholders shall pay the regular copier fees.


IRS publications and forms are not considered reference as they may be obtained free of charge from the IRS.  The Library will make pre-printed forms and publications available to patrons as a community service.  However, if patrons request photocopies of IRS reproducible forms and publications, the regular photocopy charges will apply.

Copies are available to the Staff and Board members free.



As a safety measure only library staff will be allowed to use the laminator.  If a patron needs a large quantity of laminating done they must drop it off to be done by library staff, and will be called when the laminating is finished.  If it is a small amount the patron may wait for staff to laminate the items

Laminating shall be at the minimum rate of $1.00 per foot up to 5 feet and .50 cents per foot thereafter. The minimum charge is $1 and the minimum size is business card.



The Library provides fax service to the general public during regular Library hours.  Patrons are not permitted to send their own faxes.  Staff will do this for patrons upon request.  Charges are $1.00 per page within the United States.  Faxes sent outside the continental United States are $3.00 for the first page and $1.50 for each page thereafter.  There will be a charge of $.10 per page for faxes received at the Library.


InSight Video Magnifier


The library will lend the InSight Video Magnifier free of charge for 30 days to patrons who are visually impaired.  The magnifier will be checked out to the patron in the library system as any other item.  The magnifier may be renewed for another 30 days if no other patron is waiting for it.  If the magnifier is lost or damaged there will be a $_____ charge to fix or replace the unit. 


Gifts, Donations and Bequests

The Library Board encourages and welcomes gifts, endowment funds and bequests.  The Library Board desires to respect the wishes of the donors for how the gift of money will be used.  However, the Board will reserve the right to use the gift to best serve the needs of the library. 

Donor Wall

To qualify for a place on the donor wall a gift of $1000 or more will be accepted.  Please include name, address, phone number and desired plaque inscription with your donation.  


Appraisal of Gifts and Donations

The appraising of a gift or a donation to the Library for income tax purposes is the responsibility of the donor since it is the donor who requires an appraisal, not the Library.

Donated Items

All non-monetary donations will be considered by the library staff and/or Library Board.  The library staff and/or Library Board will reserve the right to accept or reject any donation for any reason.  Items accepted, including books and DVD’s may be sold at the Friends of the Library book sale.  Accepted materials and books should be current, and no more than 3 years old (see Books and Items). 

Gifts to Library Staff

Individual Library staff cannot accept valuable gifts or any form of currency for the services they provide as library staff. Appreciative patrons are encouraged to make contributions to the library as a whole or provide a gift that all staff can enjoy equally. This policy is to ensure that staff will treat all members of the public equally, and that no preferential treatment is shown or expected.


The Library can provide receipts for gifts only in the following cases:

  • Cash or check donations: a receipt will be sent in the form of a letter stating the amount donated.
  • Gifts of Appreciated Assets: a receipt will be sent in the form of a letter describing the assets. The donor is responsible for assigning and documenting monetary value for tax purposes.
  • All other donations: a receipt will be given only at the time of the donation, if requested. The receipt will list the number and type of donation only. The donor is responsible for assigning and documenting monetary value for tax purposes.
  • The Library cannot give receipts for previously donated material.

Books and Items:

  • Recent (within 3 years) hardcover fiction in good condition
  • Recent (within 3 years) hardcover non-fiction on timely or popular topics (diets, cooking, political, biographies, bestsellers)
  • Paperback fiction in very good condition
  • Children’s books in very good condition
  • Videos and audios in good condition

Please note that books and items not used in the library collection will be given to the Friends of the Library for their book sale.  We do not accept Magazines or any outdated technology, such as auto and video cassettes, encyclopedias or textbooks. 


Monetary Gifts: 

Monetary gifts are always welcome.  Enhancements, programs, and technology are ongoing needs of the library and financial support is always appreciated.  Please speak with the Library Director or Staff to find out how you can donate. 






Internet and Public Computers


New Buffalo Township Library is a forum for all points of view and adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom as expressed in the Library Bill of Rights formulated by the American Library Association and endorsed by its Board of Directors.


New Buffalo Township Library’s Internet Safety Policy is designed to promote access to the Internet while protecting children from exposure to inappropriate material, as well as the public from unlawful access to and use or disclosure of personal information, and unauthorized access to legally restricted areas.


The purpose of the Internet Safety Policy is to prevent user access over its computer network to, or transmission of, inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications; to prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; to prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information; and to comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)].



In compliance with CIPA, the Library filters all its computers, and all access to the Internet through its network, to protect against access to obscene visual depictions, child pornography, and/or other material harmful to minors, as required by law.


The filter may unintentionally block sites that have legitimate research value and fail to block objectionable content. Users should be aware that Internet filtering software installed for CIPA compliance should not substitute for individual judgment and/or parental involvement and oversight.


As the law requires, the Library will disable filtered Internet access to persons 18 or older who request it for bona fide research or any other lawful purposes.


Inappropriate Network Usage

To the extent practical steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of users of the New Buffalo Township Library’s online computer network when using electronic mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, and other forms of direct electronic communications.


Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, prevention of inappropriate network usage includes: (a) unauthorized access, including so-called ‘hacking,’ and other unlawful activities; (b) unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors; and (c) dissemination and viewing of obscene visual depictions, child pornography, and/or other materials harmful to minors.


Education, Supervision and Monitoring

The Library affirms and acknowledges the rights and responsibilities of parents and caregivers to monitor and determine their children’s access to library materials and resources, including those available through the Internet.

Parents or caregivers are responsible for the Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Children, defined as individuals under 18 years of age who use the Internet unsupervised may be exposed to inappropriate or disturbing information and images. Parents are encouraged to discuss the use of the Internet in relation to family values and boundaries with their children and teens and to monitor their children/teen’s use of the Internet.

A minor who does not have written consent of a parent or legal guardian to use the Internet will only be allowed to use it in the presence of his/her parent or legal guardian.

Individual computer stations may be designated for special use by staff or patrons at the discretion of the library director or designated staff. Special use may include homework or research and take precedence over other forms of computer usage.


Public Access

Users are cautioned that, because security in an electronic environment such as the Internet cannot be guaranteed, all transactions, files and communications are vulnerable to unauthorized access and use and, therefore, should be considered public.


Internet access in the library is available on computers that are located in open public areas and are subject to supervision. The Staff may assist computer users in getting started on the Internet. However, the Library cannot guarantee that Internet-trained Staff will be available to assist users at all times when the Library is open. The Staff is not able to offer extensive explanations about the Internet or personal computer use or provide in-depth training. Time permitting, the Staff will try to answer specific questions and offer suggestions for effective searching. The Staff can also provide information, training opportunities, books and manuals. The Library reserves the right to engage in monitoring activities, both electronic and non-electronic, at its sole discretion and without further notice unless otherwise restricted by law. Such practices may include, but are not limited to, those for the purpose of monitoring the nature and quality of our services, and the security and the conduct of people on our premises.


Disclaimer: New Buffalo Township Library makes no warranty, expressed or implied, for the timeliness, accuracy or usefulness for particular purpose of information accessed via the Internet. .


Internet procedures and computer usage

1. All patrons wishing to use a computer must sign up at the mConsole station using their full name. Computer sessions will start after the user agrees to the acceptable use policy on the sign in page. The use of computers is available to patrons on a first come, first-served basis and each computer will be assigned in order of sign-up time. To accommodate as many patrons as possible, sign-up periods shall be limited to sixty (60) minutes per day. However, more time may be allowed if there are open computers. Users who must leave their computer for a short time should inform the staff to keep their time slot available. Users must log off when they are done using the patron computer.

2.  All individuals under the age of 18 must use the computers stations in the teen or youth department.  If a parent needs computer access and has a minor child under the age of 8 with them, they must use a computer in youth services so they can supervise their child.  Any adult using public computers in the Youth Services area must be accompanied by their child and must be mindful that children are present and view appropriate content. 

3. Printing from computer stations is available. All print jobs will be processed at the circulation desk. Each page printed, good or bad, will cost .10 cents each, .20 cents for double sided. For color or larger size print jobs, please refer to the copier pricing.

4. Patrons may use USB drives or CDs to store files. These devices must be free of viruses and are the sole responsibility of the owner. The library will not be responsible for any damage or loss of information on a patron’s USB drive or CD.

5. Patrons do not have the authority to install programs or download programs on the library computers. Only designated library staff will be permitted to make changes or install computer software.

6. All computers, except the on-line catalog, will be turned off five (10) minutes prior to closing. Patrons signed in on computers are expected to have their tasks (printing, disk back-up) completed before closing time.




Patron Information



The New Buffalo Township Library Board of Directors believes that patron records are privileged and confidential information.


Disclosure of these records containing names, addresses and telephone numbers would constitute an invasion of privacy pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act set forth in MCL 15.243 (1) (a).  Therefore, any person requesting such information will be denied access to patron records under the policy.


Denial of Request for Information Form




You are hereby notified that your request of _____________(date) has been denied because the information requested is exempt from disclosure pursuant to MCL 15.243 (1) (a).  The Public Library maintains a policy of confidentiality of patron records and will not release patron names, addresses, or telephone numbers.

Under Michigan law you may commence an action in the Circuit Court to complete disclosure of public records (Freedom of Information Act, Sec. 10 MCL 15.240).  We have attached a copy of the Freedom of Information Act for a full explanation of your right to seek judicial review under Sec.10.


Name ____________________________________    Title ____________________________

New Buffalo Township Library

Date __________________________




To avoid confusion, and for the safety of our library staff and our patrons, the New Buffalo Township Public Library will close when New Buffalo Area Schools close (between Monday through Friday) during inclement weather due to snow or ice.  Closing of the Library will be at the discretion of the Library Director or person in charge on weekends or in other hazardous conditions such as fog or heavy storms.  The Library will close early if the school closes early due to inclement weather.


Holiday’s that the library will be closed:

New Year’s Day

Good Friday

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day


Day after Thanksgiving

Christmas Eve


Day after Christmas

New Year’s Eve



When in doubt the public may check WNDU Channel 16 or WSBT Channel 22 for library closings. 

The library may also close for staff in-services from time to time. 



  • Pets are not allowed in the library.
  • While the library occasionally presents educational programs that feature animals, members of the public may only enter the library with an animal if it is a service animal that requires accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Under the ADA, a service animal is a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The dog must be trained to take a specific action to assist the person with a disability, and the task(s) performed must be directly related to the disability.
  • Emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals which have not been trained to perform a specific job or task do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.
  • If it is not obvious that a dog brought into the library is a service animal, a staff member may ask the following questions:
    • Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?
    • What specific work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
  • A staff member attempting to ascertain whether a dog is a service animal will never ask about the nature of a person's disability.
  • Service animals must be under the immediate control of their handlers at all times.
  • Service animals which are not housebroken, bark excessively, are uncontrolled, or are otherwise disruptive will be required to leave the premises.
  • Animals may never be left unattended on library grounds.
  • Service animals are not allowed on library furniture or fixtures, or in library baskets or carts, and must remain on the floor or be carried (as appropriate) by their handlers at all times.
  • Misrepresenting a dog as a service animal is a violation of the library's Patron Code of Conduct and may result in suspension of library privileges.

Observing the above helps make the library a safe, clean and friendly place for the entire community. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


The Library is an alcohol and drug free zone.  The only exception to this rule is for a library sponsored event that will be insured and licensed for that specific event. 

Patron Information


The New Buffalo Township Library cannot and will not, in any way, control the content of any petition being circulated near any of its libraries. The presence of petitioners outside of a library building does not constitute the Library’s endorsement of the policies, beliefs or political affiliations of any person or group circulating petitions for signatures.

To minimize disruptions to staff and patrons, the Library prohibits petition circulation within the interior spaces and entry lobbies of the Library.  Therefore, petitioners must stay at least 50 feet from building entrances. Petitioners must adhere to the following rules:

· Petitioners and their furniture or equipment must not hinder or block the entrances to the Library buildings, or create potentially unsafe conditions to Library staff, patrons, or to the general public.

· The Library will not provide supplies, furniture, equipment, or any other amenities to petitioners, nor will the Library store any items for any period of time.

· Petitioners may not use any part of the building, including walls, columns, and lights to exhibit posters, notes or printed information.


· Petitioners shall not approach Library patrons and staff in an aggressive manner or engage in action that constitutes harassment of Library patrons and staff.

· Soliciting for funds is not allowed on Library property.

Petition circulators who fail to comply with this (or any other county or city) policy will be asked to leave the premises. Law enforcement will be contacted if any petition circulator engages in what is believed to be unlawful behavior.





Selection Policy


A. Objectives

The purpose of the New Buffalo Township Library is to provide all individuals in the community with carefully selected books and other materials to aid the individual in the pursuit of education, information, research, pleasure, and the creative use of leisure time.

Because of the volume of publishing, as well as the limitations of budget and space, the library must have a selection policy with which to meet community interests and needs.

The materials selection/collection development policy is used by the library staff in the selection of materials and serves to acquaint the general public with the principles of selection.

The Library Bill of Rights and The Freedom to Read Statement have been endorsed by the New Buffalo Township Library Board of Trustees and are integral parts of the policy.

The materials selection/collection development policy, like all other policies, will be reviewed and/or revised as the need arises.

B. Responsibility for Selection

The ultimate responsibility for selection of library materials rests with the library director who operates within the framework of the policies determined by the New Buffalo Township Library Board of Trustees. This responsibility may be shared with other members of the library staff; however, because the director must be available to answer to the library board and the general public for actual selections made, the director has the authority to reject or select any item contrary to the recommendations of the staff.

C. Criteria for Selection

  1. The main points considered in the selection of materials are:
    • a. individual merit of each item
    • b. popular appeal/demand
    • c. suitability of material for the clientele
    • d. existing library holdings
    • e. budget
  2. Reviews are a major source of information about new materials. The primary source(s) of reviews are Kirkus, Baker & Taylor, Ingram, Amazon, Booklist and Goodreads. 
  3. The lack of a review or an unfavorable review shall not be the sole reason for rejecting a title which is in demand. Consideration is, therefore, given to requests from library patrons and books discussed on public media. Materials are judged on the basis of the work as a whole, not on a part taken out of context.

D. Interlibrary Loan

Because of limited budget and space, the library cannot provide all materials that are requested. Therefore, interlibrary loan is used to obtain from other libraries those materials that are beyond the scope of this library's collection.

In return for utilizing interlibrary loan to satisfy the needs of our patrons, the New Buffalo Township Library agrees to lend its materials to other libraries through the same interlibrary loan network, and to make an effort to have its current holdings listed in a tool that is accessible by other libraries throughout the state.

E. Gifts and Donations

The library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if appropriate and needed. If they are not needed because of duplication, condition, or dated information the director can dispose of them as he/she sees fit. The same criteria of selection which are applied to purchased materials are applied to gifts. Memorial gifts of books or money are also accepted with suitable bookplates placed in the book. Specific memorial books can be ordered for the library on request of a patron if the request meets the criteria established by the Board. It is desirable for gifts of or for specific titles to be offered after consultation with the library director. Book selection will be made by the director if no specific book is requested. The New Buffalo Township Library encourages and appreciates gifts and donations.

By law, the library is not allowed to appraise the value of donated materials, though it can provide an acknowledgment of receipt of the items if requested by the donor.

F. Weeding

An up-to-date, attractive, and useful collection is maintained through a continual withdrawal and replacement process. Replacement of worn volumes is dependent upon current demand, usefulness, more recent acquisitions, and availability of newer editions. This ongoing process of weeding is the responsibility of the library director and is authorized by the Board of Trustees. Withdrawn materials will be handled in a similar manner and under the same authority as donated materials.

G. Potential Problems or Challenges

The New Buffalo Township Library recognizes that some materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selection of materials will not be made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely on the basis of the principles stated in this policy.

Responsibility for the reading of children rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection of library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that materials may come into the possession of children.

Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of their contents, and no library material will be sequestered except to protect it from damage or theft.

H. Challenged Materials

Although materials are carefully selected, there can arise differences of opinion regarding suitable materials. Patrons requesting that material be withdrawn from or restricted within the collection may complete a "Statement of Concern About Library Resources" form which is available in the library. The inquiry will be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the New Buffalo Township Library Board, provided the protest is received at least one week prior. 

Amended 11/8/2022




Form: Statement of Concern About Library Resources

New Buffalo Township Library





Resource on which you are commenting:


_____Audio-visual Resource


_____Content of Library Program




Author/Publisher or Producer/Date:___________________

  1. What brought this resource to your attention?
  2. To what do you object? Please be as specific as possible.
  3. Have you read or listened or viewed the entire content? If not, what parts?
  4. What do you feel the effect of the material might be?
  5. For what age group would you recommend this material?
  6. In its place, what material of equal or better quality would you recommend?
  7. What do you want the library to do with this material?
  8. Additional comments: